Monday, April 27, 2015

Maglev Train in Japan Hits Record 374 MPH WHAT!!?

Yes, the Maglev train in Japan just hit the world record for land speed in a train of 374 miles per hour. How impressive is that?
200 mile trips that would typically take 4-5 hours can now take less than 1 hour. It's all thanks to the magnetic motion design allowing the train to hover above the rails. Giving the train absolutely no friction between the ground and the train.
In the mean time, the USA has been contemplating a fast train for decades. So far, no real progress has been made. Amtrak Acela Express is the fastest train traveling up to 150mph.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

BG 44K Fuel System Cleaner

Have you ever went to a mechanics shop and had a routine upkeep or some other repair done, and the repairman endeavored to up offer you a BG oil or gas added substance? Like the vast majority of utilization, you probably have and there's a justifiable reason purpose behind that. BG as an organization is really, one of a couple of organizations practicing particularly in protection support added substances. In this BG 44K survey, we're going to bring up the genuine key highlights and preferences of utilizing the BG 44K fuel system cleaner.

Disregard discovering these cleaners at your neighborhood Walmart, Kmart, Autozone or some other retail outlet that caries auto supplies. This added substance particularly meets expectations incredible on autos that run on fuel. Issues like unpleasant sitting still, diminishing gas mileage, sudden check motor lights and even loss of force regularly happen as an auto ages and puts on more miles. But with "great" fuel system cleaning added substances, the vast majority of that stuff if not all, can vanish after 1-2 full medicines.

Berryman B12 Chemtool Fuel Injector Cleaner Review - April 2015

The Barrymans B-12 Chemtool Total Fuel System Clean-Up has time after time helped remove crud from fuel injectors, valves, piston rings, pistons, fuel lines, the fuel tank and overall the whole fuel system. And not just on cars and trucks, but anything powered by gasoline. Read the full review below for more information.As of writing this in the first quarter of 2015, gasoline is getting cheaper by the week. People like you and me are now aren’t as hesitant to burn a little more fuel during the week as we used to. However, this poses a serious problem. Low octane gasoline like 87, 89 and some 91s are known to just be low grade as it’s finest. What does this mean? It means your fuel injectors, and overall fuel system begins building up carbon deposits faster.This results in moderate to major decline in your vehicles performance. Your gas mileage goes down, ride quality, mechanical and electrical issues become prone to occurring, all mostly due to poor fuel. It just goes to show, you are what you eat and same applies for your car.Luckily, some of the best fuel injector cleaners like Barrymans B-12 Chemtool Fuel System Clean-Up can take care of all these problems.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Next Time You Deviced to Quite... think of WHAT you will be missing out.

Don't ever quite. That's one thing for sure. if you ever want to consider it, just take a break and reflect. When it comes to business success and creating something of value to others VS working at a job. You can buy a LOT of dream cars and work on that engine and clean your car and even... install a radar detector to make it SUPER fun to speed on the highway.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The 10 Top Rated Windshield Radar Detectors of 2015

If you are getting confused browsing through places like for good performing radar detectors, look no further than the list below.We’ll cover the detectors based on price, detecting range, ease of use & included features.Make no mistake, the chart has the best of the best radar detectors your money can buy. The main purpose of it is to eliminate the need to do long and extensive research on your part. Any of the below radar detectors will surely give you an edge on knowing just how close or how far police are reading speed.
To read more, visit and read our radar detector reviews at

Friday, April 17, 2015

How to search for the proper air conditioning service

One of the biggest causes of air conditioning failures in homes and vehicles is adding too much freon, What happens then is, the coils and inter-cooler freezes up causing some BIG problems which summarize as bad ac job. One way you can easily fix the issue is by going into google and searching terms like "my city ac services" "air conditioning" then my city and state initials. What this does is prompt Google (or Bing/Yahoo) the question and they go out there and seek the answer. Usually they WILL pull something up in 1-2 seconds. Yes, it's that quick and easy.
Source: Air Conditioning Naples Florida

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How to use sea foam properly in your vehicle.

If you have an old car, truck, motorcycle or anything gasoline powered, you'll need to know this info to help prolong your vehicles life.
The first little step is to simply buy the bottle of the SeaFoam fuel treatment. You can visit InjectorCleanerBoss to buy Sea Foam on their site, it's pretty cheap and they WILL walk you through the steps.
You have 3 options.
  • Add it to your oil
  • Add it to your gas tank
  • Add it to your vacuum hose
In this example, we'll cover the gas tank.
What you have to do to ensure the best effectiveness of fuel system cleaning is this:
Run the tank down to just 1/4 and add 1 whole bottle. Fill the vehicle back up and run it back down.
NOTE: Ideally to see if you are seeing any results, prior to running the cleaner, check out the cylinders and injectors to see what their condition is. After running the cleaner through 1 tank full see what they cylinders and injectors look like. If you see results, just rinse and repeat.